A Hungarian International Press Association a MÚOSZ-ban tartja következő sajtóbeszélgetését, melyre vendégként szívesen látják az angolul beszélő, érdeklődő magyar újságírókat is. Jelentkezés: február 21-én 13 óráig.
the next Hipa Press Meeting
Media freedom and pluralism in Hungary
Zoltán VARGA
Owner of the Central Médiacsoport
22 February 2023 Wednesday 9.30 am
Headquarter of MUOSZ
1064 Budapest, Vörösmarty utca 47/A
booking is compulsory office@hipa-hungary.com
Media freedom and pluralism are still at stake in Hungary. Only a few independent, non-government-controlled media outlets remain in the country.
Now, one important member of these appears to be at risk. Allies of the Hungarian prime minister appear to have tried to buy the Central Médiacsoport, which owns one of Hungary’s most respected news sites, 24.hu. This website strongly believes in media freedom, so it investigates many cases, some of which affect freedom, so it investigates a lot of cases, some of which affect the Hungarian government as well.
Central Médiacsoport also publishes a swathe of other publications and magazines, including leading women’s weekly Nők Lapja, National Geographic, Meglepetés, Nosalty, Marie Claire, REFRESHER, nlc.hu, startlap.
Last year the Hungarian tax authority launched an investigation into the affairs of Central Médiacsoport owner, Zoltán Varga. Mr. Varga alleges that this represents a new level of pressure on him to sell his media empire to government-friendly buyers.